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DTH hammer assembly warehouse and finished product display

Dth hammer is mainly used in: engineering survey, mineral exploration, bolt hole forming, water well hole forming, pile foundation hole forming, oil and gas forming hole, ground source air conditioning hole forming, blasting hole, etc.

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DTH hammer working air pressure classification:

Low air pressure impactor (below 0.8MPa)
Medium pressure impactor (0.8~1.4MPa)
High wind pressure impactor (above 1.4)

DTH hammer accessories:

The pneumatic impactor is mainly composed of a rear joint, a sealing ring, a check valve, a spring, a valve seat, an inner cylinder, a piston, an outer tube, a guide sleeve, a snap ring, and a front joint.

Wearing parts life:
The main wearing parts are the piston, the outer cylinder, the front joint and the rear joint. The outer cylinder, the front joint and the rear joint are located on the outside of the impactor and are in direct contact with the rock, causing serious wear.

The rock crushing method of pneumatic percussion rotary drilling is different from traditional drilling. From the perspective of theoretical analysis, test and application effects, it can effectively improve the rate of penetration of hard rock, effectively prevent the well deviation problem in the drilling of hard rock and complex formations, slow down the Wear of the drill bit, prolong the life of the drill bit, reduce the damage of the drill tool, and reduce the cost of drilling, it is a very promising drilling method. With the continuous improvement of the research of pneumatic impactor and the improvement of supporting drill bits and supporting drilling technology, the application scope of pneumatic impact rotary drilling technology will become more and more extensive.


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