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SWDA mining drill mining equipment China suppliers

The SWDA drilling rig features long reach and large coverage area.

When the drilling boom is unfolded, the main machine body is exposed to less harmful impact caused by drilling vibration and dust pollution. Consequently, not only does the machine have longer life span, but also the drilling precision is much improved. The drilling system has a carousel tube handling system with deep hole capacity and free selection of drill tubes, enabling to increase working efficiency.

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1. Highly effective flushing and dust aspiring device help to maintain clean working environment.

2. Equipped with air conditioning, the cab is operator friendly and comfortable.

3. Operating system and monitoring system are located on the same
board, which offers the possibility of easy to use and to maintain.

4. Drilling system, power system and air compressor are mounted on a compact structure, giving a remarkably nimble machine.

5. Optimized power matching is guaranteed by the separate power drives (one for hydraulic system and the other for compressor).

6. The SWDA drilling rig is equipped with a floating chassis. Additionally, four service hydraulic cylinders allow keeping the machine perfectly stable when drilling on a slope or on a rocky surface.

7. Hydraulic drilling boom operates smoothly, flexibly, precisely and quickly.


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