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SWDA rock mining machines mine drilling rig China factory

The SWDA drilling rig features long reach and large coverage area.

When the drilling boom is unfolded, the main machine body is exposed to less harmful impact caused by drilling vibration and dust pollution. Consequently, not only does the machine have longer life span, but also the drilling precision is much improved. The drilling system has a carousel tube handling system with deep hole capacity and free selection of drill tubes, enabling to increase working efficiency.

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The impact of the top hammer drill is provided by the hydraulic rock drill, and the air compressor only does dust removal and slag discharge. The working principle of the top hammer drilling rig and the DTH drilling rig is basically the same, but the impact force is different. The down-the-hole impact force comes from the piston in the impactor and acts on the drill bit; the top hammer impact force comes from the piston in the rock drill, acts on the shank, and is transmitted to the drill bit through the drill pipe. The hole diameter of the top hammer drilling rig is below 127mm, and the hole depth is usually not more than 20m. When the hole depth is about 15m, the top hammer drilling efficiency is relatively high.

Features: small hole, shallow hole, hard rock


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